With over 30 years of mid-market expertise, global connections, and a steadfast commitment to confidentiality, discover how AIM Group Canada maximizes value for privately owned Canadian businesses
Mid-Market Advisors
Over 30 years of M&A experience.
Specialize in selling mid-market Canadian privately owned companies.
Deal Maximization
Running a formal M&A process will maximize proceeds and increase the likelihood of completing a transaction.
Our small team works to maximize confidentiality and efficiency.
Track Record
History of successful transactions across a wide range of industries.
Global Reach
Member of Pandea Global - international alliance of M&A firms in 34 countries.
Access to local market knowledge and international buyers through local representatives globally.
Personal & Cost Effective
Less expensive than larger M&A firms, investment banks, and accounting firms.
We are not a big institution churning out M&A transactions but a specialty boutique providing personalized, customized services.